Almost a century old traditional school, Salima Khanam Girls' High School is a reputed secondary girls' school located in Pranakedra of Bhadeshwar Union of Golapganj Upazila of Sylhet District. The school was established in 1940 AD by late Alhaj Gauch Ahmad, the pioneer of female education in Vadeshwar. Since then thousands of students from the school have passed S.S.C. He has held important public/private positions in the country and continues to work for the welfare of the country and the region. Currently, many female students are studying in reputed public universities and medical colleges of the country. Many are politically and socially established.
The traditional school is playing a unique role in the advancement of education. Apart from education, the students of this institution have achieved success in all fields of literature, culture, sports, technology, debate, science and are keeping the reputation of the school intact. It is my strong hope that a student from this school will become a talented, honest, hard-working, modern science-minded, worthy patriot and an enlightened person with human values ​​and lead Bangladesh on the path of prosperity.
In this school (1) teaching is done through subject wise experienced and trained teachers. (2) Computer education is imparted in Sheikh Russell Computer Lab with 24/7 Wi-Fi connection. (3) Teaching is done through multimedia projectors. (4) 40% or more students enjoy stipend benefits. (5) Poor and meritorious students have tuition fee half/full free facility. (6) Special scholarships are provided for meritorious female students. (7) Science, commerce and humanities are available in class IX and X. (8) There are facilities for practical science education as there are rich science laboratories. (9) Compulsory reading and take-home facilities are available in well-stocked libraries. (10) In case of new admission in 6th class, the session fee is paid by Alhaj Gauch Ahmad and Shamshunnehar Ahmad Trust Foundation. (11) Education is imparted in a quiet environment under round-the-clock CCTV.


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